Ralph Raschen: “Negotiations or just Dictates?”
Can there be any doubt any more that the the current US administration, the EU, the UN (with its “Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People”), the PA and Iran are now all working hand in hand and...
View ArticleRalph Raschen: “Federica Mogherini and Freedom of speech”
Let’s not say any more that Muslims are victims of terrorism too. The EU foreign policy head Federica Mogherini shows that by this you only give her another tool for lying with the truth. [Read the...
View ArticleIs Obama administration inviting foreign powers to join it in crushing US...
… against the construction of a “P5+1+Iran” (or maybe “better” E3/EU+3-or-how-the-hell-it’s-called-by-the-EU-tyrants”) “left-green world dictatorship”? “Obama Turns to U.N. to Outmaneuver Congress –...
View ArticleSome utterances of EU “foreign policy chief” Federica Mogherini in connection...
“From Lebanese territory toward Israel are departing demonstrative rockets which are produced on a small scale and which are not being launched in order to really hit, but only in order to signal the...
View ArticleLive Broadcast from Stop Iran Rally in New York Today (rally begins at 5:30...
UPDATE: Coverage of the rally is scheduled to be re-broadcast by Jewish Broadcasting Service (JBS) on: Thu 7/23 7:00PM-9:00PM Fri 7/24 1:00AM-3:00AM Sun 7/26 1:00PM-3:00PM Posted by Ralph Raschen -...
View ArticleThe Supreme Leader of Iran already made it clear that the war will continue
until America is destroyed. That may be the only common ground he has with Obama. Both America and Iran are governed by fanatics who believe that America is the source of all evil. Both believe that it...
View ArticleLinks to “Stop Iran Now” Times Square Rally Videos on YouTube (uploaded by JBS)
Rally To Stop Iran [entire rally] by JBS 3:10:16 ITN: “Stop Iran Now” Conversations by JBS 29:33 “Stop Iran Now”: Caroline Glick [interview] by JBS 3:41 “Stop Iran Now”: Jerry Levin by JBS 4:47...
View Article“Who is the perpetrator, who is the victim?” German public TV “reporting” on...
Rushing to the perpetrators to learn more about their suffering, to find an answer to the question “Who is the perpetrator, who is the victim?”, while the bodies of the Jewish victims are still warm...
View ArticleMartin Sherman on the “debate” on “Jewish terrorism”: “Jewish hate crimes and...
"It is an attempt to paint all ideo-political adversaries with the same brush; to taint with the delegitimizing stain of religious fanaticism, all those, who, for a variety of reasoned arguments –...
View ArticleObama the peace dove turns out to be more of an (atomic) warmonger
The irony [...] is that Obama came to power via the siren call of multilateralism and the glories of the United Nations. And he will leave office having emasculated the Security Council’s potential to...
View ArticleLook who’s Germany’s “Commissioner for Immigration, Refugees and Integration”!
From Wikipedia: Aydan Özoğuz (born 31 May 1967) is a German politician. She is a member of the Bundestag for the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) (since 2009), and was elected deputy...
View ArticleMordechai Kedar: The World is at War
The third problem Europe will have to find a way to deal with is political correctness that shuts the mouths of anyone pointing to the problem by labeling them racists, extremists and rabble rousers,...
View ArticleRobert Spencer in Toronto on the Trojan Horse: the Syrian refugee crisis
Posted by Ralph Raschen - WebsiteRelated posts: PA “president” Mahmoud Abbas – an exemplary “Palestinian refugee” Related posts: PA “president” Mahmoud Abbas – an exemplary “Palestinian refugee”
View ArticleAnother Israeli Murdered on the Altar of Political Correctness
Another horrific Palestinian terror attack has left another Israeli dead. IDF soldier, 21-year-old Tuvia Weissman, was stabbed to death Thursday evening in a Rami Levy supermarket at Sha’ar Benyamin....
View ArticleJulia Gorin: “Big Picture Grand Strategy in Israel=Strategy in Balkans:...
Below is an old email from Melana, who used to run Serbblog. I found it as instructive today as ever, so I’m finally posting it, though I’d meant to do so when she first wrote it back in 2008: I had...
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